Coastal Forest Restoration

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Here in the Halo, we’re extremely lucky to have large areas of remnant or regenerating native forest still intact.  Restoring and enhancing remaining forest is a key focus for the Halo Project. But, before we can begin any restoration activities, we have to have an understanding of what it is that landowners are interested in doing, and what help/support we are able to give them during the process. To do this I visited a range of landowners around the project area to have a chat about their views on restoration. These discussions were extremely helpful and I would like to thank those landowners that gave up their time to talk to me. It was evident that everyone I spoke to was keen to get involved in restoration, with most having already undertaken some in the past (e.g. QEII covenants, fencing, planting).

In the last few months I have been working on developing restoration plans for several sites to give landowners an idea of what might go into restoring a site. These sites are areas identified as being important for various reasons and are areas that, if restored, could hold very high biodiversity value. Hopefully in the coming months we will be able to work with the respective landowners to initiate the first steps of the plan.

James Tweed - Project Support


Little Blue Penguin Survey


West Harbour Halo - Residents Survey