Is your cat a Halo cat?

Responsible cat ownership is the best way that your cat can be a Halo Cat. We support this by providing free microchips and cat registration for 200 companion cats.

According to the Vets Association of New Zealand (VANZ), responsible cat ownership means: Microchipping and NZCAR registration; Desexing to prevent overpopulation and unwanted cats; Avoiding negative impacts on other people, animals and the environment.

VANZ recommend owners should:

▪      not allow cats to stray from their property;

▪      ensure cats do not predate on vulnerable, native wildlife.  Measures to reduce predation include the use of deterrent collars, curfews, confinement and the use of cat aviaries.

▪      ensure cats do not use neighbours’ yards or gardens for toileting.

How microchipping your cat helps

If your cat goes missing, having it microchipped and registered with NZCAR will help reunite you with your cat. Councils, vets and the SPCA have microchip readers which quickly identify the owner's contact details.

In the future we would like to undertake multi-species predator control in areas of high conservation value within the Inner Halo around Orokonui Ecosanctuary.  In the unlikely event your cat gets caught we want to be able to return it to you as quickly as possible.

You can read more information about microchipping cats and reducing their impact on wildlife in our brochure (Is your cat a HALO CAT?)


Free microchips for companion cats

We’ve teamed-up with Vetlife Waikouaiti who will insert the microchip for only $20. The first 50 cats microchipped will also receive a free goodie bag. Book in with Wendy at Vetlife Waikouaiti Ph 03 465 7613 or email

Alternatively, you can have your cat microchipped and registered for at the pop up microchip clinic at Otago Polytechnic at one of these sessions:

Wednesday 19 May, 5-7.30pm or Wednesday 2 June, 5-7.30pm at the Vet Clinic, Otago Polytechnic N Block, Albany St. You must book in advance by emailing

The chip is inserted under the skin with a needle, a procedure that takes only a few minutes. 

Keep an eye out for more dates over winter.


Vacancy: Predator Free Project Coordinator


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